Grand adventure

Grand adventure
the unknown road

Friday, September 15, 2017


Like most regional airports, Irkutsk made up its own rules, which seemed surprisingly relaxed for Russia. I was unsure how the customs and exit process would go so left plenty of time, which turned out not to be needed. I found a seat at the only place open after security, a so-called Irish Pub. It had a cozy booth for me to hang out in, and I was lost in my book when I happened to glance up. The entire gate area (one big room) was filled almost to capacity with people in gray. All gray. Their heads were shaved so at first I wasn't sure if they were men or women (a mix). Each had very loose (gray) pants with elastic at the ankles, and wore a sort of large, loose (gray) frock over it that had a wide tie at the front. I felt like I'd somehow taken a wrong turn and entered an alternative universe. Even the shoes were gray. Hats and backpacks were either all gray or at least partly gray. There were about 100, and they were the bulk of the passengers on the flight to Seoul.

I knew they must be part of a religious order, and it turns out they are Korean Buddhist monks, who wear gray because it represents harmony, and also as a reminder that when they die their bodies will be burned, and ash is also gray. Or so Google says.

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