Grand adventure

Grand adventure
the unknown road

Monday, August 28, 2017

a day in the life

I walked 150 miles today- you think I exaggerate but let me explain. There are inches, and centimeters, and they are not the same. Then there are dog years, and human years, and they too are not the same. Walking all day on concrete is analogous to living in dog years. I walked 150 miles.its

At times it felt like my feet were about to fall off, but fortunately there was no one around to complain to, and the only reason I was walking was because I had decided to. So.

At some point I stopped for some lunch in a second story restaurant with a picture menu (no, a foodie I am not). I got some delicious spicy lamb and a bowl of rice. They were serious about the spicy part, after a while I started avoiding those red bits. I hate to admit this, but I'm still not very good at chopsticks. I guess when I was young and could have picked up the skill like kids today operate smart phones at the age of 3, I wasn't eating out much, and not at all at Chinese restaurants that might have offered chopsticks. Thus, the cultural deprivation of my early years seems to have permanently stunted my chopsticks skills (I'm kidding ma!- well, not about my skills, but about the source). After watching me for a bit, the waitress brought a ceramic spoon of the type that you eat soup with in a Chinese restaurant but I declined it and soldiered on. It was messy and embarrassing, but I got full.

By the time I got back to my neighborhood, I was in pain, both from the walking, and my legs are also sore from the great climb yesterday- I stopped in for a foot massage, which was wonderful. What I'm not sure about is what is an Enhanced Renal Dynamic Footbath. Alas, my Chinese and her English weren't up to that question, so I avoided doubt and just got a foot massage.

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